Added a 1/3 position of IAU today at 16.12. Watching SPLV and EFAV as they are closing in on their RSI(14) 30 levels where I will add another 1/6 position to each.
The portfolio will consist of: VB(14%), SPLV(14), EFAV(9), VWO(9), EEMV(9), VNQ(12), JNK(5), VCLT(5), IAU(9), and cash. Once portfolio is full will rebalance yearly.
401k - Gain/loss % includes matching funds, so fund performance will look better than actual.
Only non-load offering is RERCX. Will move money market money to RERCX on next below/above 30 rsi weekly.
New correlation matrix with addition of IAU
Matrix is from |